You can buy my artwork at Sedition
Not very expensive, and it comes with some kind of digital protection
a brainless fuzzy artist type like me knows nothing about!
My Crazy E-mail Archive
I get pretty crazy with my K-BOOM e-mails, which are long, modern webpages created using Mailchimp templates, since Mr. "Old School HTML 1.0" don't do style sheets.
About me
Find out about my life and background if you have
lots of time on your hands and nothing better to do. Or simply gratify
your idle curiosity.
I spent some of my time spinning web pages for my
own amusement and education in the 1990s. Many hundreds of words, images,
and interests. For the dedicated Tony Patti fan only, and I'm sure there
aren't any, so it's just here because I can't bear to take these historic
early web pages down.
I was thinking the other day; why not put a few of
those comics I've been drawing lately on my web page?
Don't try anything funny with this website. Read this
disclaimer to find out how little you are allowed to actually do.
email me!