
Let's get one thing straight--I never use imagery.
I'm not that kind of boy; I believe in honesty.
It's an image with weight; it makes you circumvent
Circle around all the things that you might have meant.

And it doesn't hurt anyone
And it isn't real dangerous
And when you want it bad enough
You can even think it up on your own.

It's just a little vice, and it shouldn't shock anyone.
Between you and me, it's acts of unlimited love.
It's a fever that builds--it comes and it goes, you know.
You've got to admit that it's all in our minds by now.

And if you try to examine it
And you take all the measurements
and read in between the lines
You'll find out that you're missing the point.

You shouldn't ever judge an act of creation.
The myths that inflame our highly volatile brains.
The mystery of the act of attraction proves
you can never disprove what happens in solitude.

I don't care about morals
I don't care about prudity
But here is the way it is
Resplendent in nudity:
I want you to use your brains,
Now what do you think about that? 

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