The Sirens of Titan


Top 10 Books

The Classics

Beatnik Works


The Modern Authors

Qualche libri Italiani


Top 10 Movies

Best Screenplays


Big-Budget Trash

Foreign Film

Hey, I'm not kidding about needing feedback on these lists! Help me out by e-mail:



Of all of Mr. Vonnegut's amazing and inventive books, this one, for reasons that I find difficult to express, is my favorite. Slaughterhouse 5 is a close second, of course.

The childlike prose for which Mr. Vonnegut has become justly famous is as haunting and poetic as ever here. Like:

Rented a tent, a tent, a tent;
Rented a tent, a tent, a tent.
Rented a tent!
Rented a tent!
Rented a, rented a tent.

There you go! Now there's a deathless quote for you! Cat's Cradle is another great book by Mr. Vonnegut, and one which I think of quite often, the ideas of karass, wampeters, and granfallons having entered into my mental viewpoint of how people interact in a profound and inextinguishable manner that most authors could only dream of accomplishing.
