St. Louis New Wave Nostalgia

The Strikers


The Welders

The Cool Jerks

The Dinosaurs

The Retros


Max Load

The Oozkicks

The Felons

Brown & Langrehr

The Zanti Misfits

The Heels (Be vision)

Riot Act

PG (The Foolish Virgins)

My Bands:


The Oui-Oui Twins

The Obvious


OP-P (Change Club)

VFW halls

Bowling Alleys

Billy Goat Hill

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The Welders


The Welders were one of the very first New Wave bands in St. Louis. They were four cute girls and I remember everyone having big crushes on one or the other of them.

They appeared around the same time as the Cool Jerks, in the late 70s. Unfortunately I never saw them play or heard any of their songs. According to a 1981 copy of Jet Lag (#11), some of their songs included "To Sir With Love", "Debutantes In Bondage", "Icebox" and "Rage to Live".

I knew Jane Welder, the keyboard player a little. She moved to San Francisco with the Strikers in the mid-eighties (1983?).

Jane was one of the most beautiful girls I've ever seen, and very sweet too.